Software Support
MorphOS is a light fully featured operating system that is non-Unix based and Amiga compatible. In addition to the PegasosPPC, MorphOS has been ported to the MobileGT and a series of Freescale / NXP development boards that use the Genesi Firmware. MorphOS has been a recognized as a Ready For IBM Technology and is listed in the IBM Global Solutions Directory. MorphOS can be downloaded by all PegasosPPC/ODW and Efika owners after registration. MorphOS provides 3D support for a number of graphics cards.
Symobi (formerly µnOS) is a microkernel operating system with a modern architecture. It combines a small footprint and a real-time microkernel with an extremely scalable client/server-architecture and a high grade of portability. Symobi has been ported to PegasosPPC/ODW. The first version of Symobi for the ODW and EFIKA was officially presented at Systems 2006 fair in Munich, Germany, with an EFIKA version further demonstrated at Systems 2007. |
GNU/Linux is a free operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. Thanks to it's open development model, it has undergone continuous improvements over the years, and is now found in devices ranging from web servers to PDA's. Freescale / NXP actively supports the platform through their website Linux Resources for Development Systems and AltiVec sections.
Distributions that are known to work with the Pegasos and EFIKA include: |
Genesi supports OpenSolaris through hardware donations of Open Desktop Workstation and EFIKA 5200B systems. Development of a bootable OS kernel and operating system binaries is ongoing with active projects on Genesi's Power Developer resource. |
FreeBSD development has been assisted with hardware donations of Pegasos and EFIKA development systems and is supported with active projects at Power Developer providing patches and tools for early development work. |
NetBSD support is under ongoing development under the 'ofppc' port and several active developers working on projects at Power Developer. |